AI voiced-meditation generator: 100x’ing our clients content strategy.

What growth strategy did they want us to 100x?

Our client is a world-famous therapist. One of our growth strategies is posting meditations on YouTube to help her followers in different aspects of their life.

The meditations are great for building top-funnel traffic. This traffic then treacles down towards other purchases via the Shopify store or courses.

How was this strategy limited?

Meditations are extremely time-consuming to create. You need to do the following:

  • Think of a topic

  • Write a script

  • Record your voice

  • Add backing music

Then, you’re done.

But this process can take hours, even if it’s a 5-minute meditation. Far too time-consuming to be doing on a daily basis, even if that’s what this growth strategy needed.

How did we 100x this strategy?

We worked with them to create a meditation generator powered by AI.

You’d tell the AI a topic you wanted, select a vibe and the length, then the script for the meditation is created.

Once you’ve tweaked it, you can then choose a voice and then generate the audio.


You then receive the meditation.

Finally, to make it production ready, you can add backing tracks automatically. Then you’re done!

To make it, we first sampled 7 hours of their voice, allowing us to recreate their voice in any way we wanted using AI.

We then taught AI their script-style based on all their previous meditations.

We then created application where they could create meditation on the fly.

It runs on Streamlit, ElevensLab and ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo.

Results: Reduced the time-taken to create a 45-minute long meditation by 98%.

Our client now plans to launch a new YouTube channel dedicated to meditations and will be posting one a day.